Who owns your awe? In which direction does it usually flow? Vertically? Or horizontally?
I am very thankful for the writing ministry of Ray Ortlund,
Jr. I’ve blogged quite a bit recently about his Proverbs commentary (published
by Crossway). He wrote another excellent commentary in the same series on the
book of Isaiah. The following quote from that book, when I first read it, led
me to repent of my idolatry of (misdirected) awe and praise my creative
Creator. He was commenting on Isaiah 40:12-18.
Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2005), 244.When God created everything, he needed nothing. All the ideas, all the genius, were his alone. God imagined every tropical fish. He established every function of gravity. He shaped galaxies as irregular, spiral, and elliptical. He came up with it all, by himself alone, out of his own super-intelligence. In Babylonian religion the creator god Marduk had to consult with “Ea, the all wise.” The pagan gods worked by committee. God the Creator needs no one else, including you and me.
“All the ideas…were his alone.” We humans are often in
awe of those who invent and create. And yet we yawn with
blindness and deafness to God’s cosmic show-and-tell (Ps.
19:1-6). New technology, “cutting edge” artistic expression, or a unique
or surprisingly helpful invention elicits our can’t-wait-to-tell-someone excitement. Our
awe can be pretty deep and our praise pretty high for these human creators
(if you're not tracking yet, think Apple products).
Our inflated opinions aside, so-called new genres are always
influenced by “old” genres (even the ones reacting against “old” genres), and
new inventions are always dependent on old materials and old
inventions. There’s nothing new under the sun.
As for the creators themselves, their artistic and
technological uniqueness is typically limited to a pretty narrow bandwidth. I
doubt Sufjan Stevens will ever pitch winning new programming to Apple. Flannery
O’Connor, to my knowledge, never applied for a patent. I doubt any top
chefs in the world of cutting edge culinary creativity sit at Boeing’s brainstorming
tables. Those most creatively prodigious and productive in our world
invariably do so within a relatively small niche.
Not God. His bandwidth of expertise and creative genius
knows no bounds. He is not only supreme in every niche, he created every niche!
He is also not dependent on any prior technology. When he
got started, there was nothing new, not even the sun. He is the only one who
had no gurus. No teachers. No mentors or no consultants. None to
whom he looked up. He had no models that influenced or shaped his artistic
vision. He was not even self-taught, because there was no need to grow and
develop. He was and is and always will be perfectly and gloriously
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?
Who has measured the Spirit of the LORD, or what man shows him his counsel?
Whom did he consult, and who made him understand?
Who taught him the [right way to do things], and taught him knowledge, and showed him the way of understanding?
How often are we wowed by the wonder and weight of
the God of Isaiah 40:12-14? How often are we more impressed by Hollywood’s
special effects and virtual reality? How often are we more interested in
Silicon Valley’s slick wares, both hard and soft? Has familiarity with Reality bred
Elephants and strawberries, Redwoods and blowfish, glaciers
and geysers, sand and oxygen, skin and honeycombs, carrots and meteors,
quicksand and saltwater, stalagmites and catfish, earthworms and tree sap,
leaves and chameleons, gravity and helium, T-Rexes and tree frogs, ovaries and
osmosis, snow and starfish, pineapples and fire ants, pythons and mitochondria,
hurricanes and hair, eye balls and volcanoes, chlorophyll and the Northern
Lights, canyons and oases, moose and mice, pinecones and Pluto, camels and
coral, were not products of a brainstorming session with the angels. God
alone is mind-blowingly creative in every conceivable category.
While we can and most certainly should glorify and (oh so
dimly) reflect our Creator’s creativity with industrious humility
and joyful curiosity, let's admit it, we ultimately are not
creative. Even at our best, we are re-arrangers…shufflers…followers…wanna
be’s…posers. We need to get over ourselves and stop getting over God (how
many times have you been impressed by a photo or painting of some created thing and blindly walked by the
real thing!). Familiarity has bred indifference.
Or maybe…we’re not familiar enough. When was the last time
you really tasted and savored a banana or a carrot? Seriously. Go try it. Slow down and really try it.
When was the last time the magical reality, the “isness” of water blew your
mind? This summer, at some point when you find yourself in a body of water,
just stop and think about the fact that you are FLOATING in this crazy LIQUID! God made water! Water!
Why is it that we worship and serve the creation’s “creators”
and the creators creations?
Are we even aware of this unrighteous idolatry of awe? We give fawning and emotionally-charged praise to the creativity of created creators. And all we often have left is patronizingly token praise and deadly dutiful lip-service for the Creator of creators.
Are we even aware of this unrighteous idolatry of awe? We give fawning and emotionally-charged praise to the creativity of created creators. And all we often have left is patronizingly token praise and deadly dutiful lip-service for the Creator of creators.
Don’t you want to wake up from this? Don’t you want to flee
the blinding effect of the Times Square over-stimulation of this world?
Don’t you want to get out beyond the lights, so to speak, and see the
glory of the stars?
This summer, slow down and ponder the universe and the body
in which you live. All of it was created for a reason. Not so you could
worship and serve created things, but so you would worship and serve the
Creator, who is blessed forever (Rom. 1:25).
Postscript: The picture was not staged. It was spontaneous (and Beth caught it). You can see why.
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